Saturday, 1 February 2014

Coaxed Extroverts

Speech is silver; silence is golden, an old saying seems to have lost its meaning in today’s modern nuclear society. Everybody expects their children to be outspoken, outsmarted, great dancers, debaters, poets, painters, singers at the same time acing in academics with a sound physique. They are hell bound on training their children right from the day they are born. Apart from the colossal homework they are expected to take part in extracurricular and co-curricular activities, join hobby classes and do something extra to “SET THEMSELVES APART FROM THE RACE”, welcome to the new generation of forced extroverts.
Would Wordsworth have composed Daffodils if he would not have been in solitude, or would Newton have discovered gravity if he would not be in the lap of mother nature observing it? Introverts are very keen listeners, composed and quiet, they often contribute the best to the society. They speak after reflection on their thoughts and hence are patient. Unfortunately when we look around us be it television, radio, print media, everything occurs to be marketable so how can the children escape from that. To fill in their footsteps other parents too want to train their child in the similar fashion whether they like it or not. The society never moulds people; it is the people living in the society who mould it.

The children are all trained to shed stage fright, dance, sing, paint and some of the schools are even manufacturing poets making it compulsory to write a poem to pass the exams. Some of children thoroughly enjoy it while some do not. Extreme cases can result in embarrassment, humiliation and other tensions resulting from the pressure of parents, teachers, peers and friends. Repeated conduct of such activities is giving rise to a new generation of coerced extroverts. They try to behave normally but never enjoy their work. They try to find solitude in the midst of commotion filled lives, end up in professions they were never meant to be in, turn out to be annoying children, disobedient students, uncaring sons, irresponsible life partners, unpunctual employees, lost individuals. A person who could be the GEM of the society turns up to be a frustrated individual who fails at the most trivial endeavour. This is the lifeline of a coaxed extrovert; don’t push your child towards it.

Let him decide the way he wants to climb the ladder. Do not rush, nature has its way. Look up to him and the way he leads his life, help him, enjoy him developing into an amazing individual at the sight of which there is rejoice and festivity.

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